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Page created in collaboration with Colette Grinevald and Maricela Kauffman (2010).
Data on the Rama language
Alternative names: Melchora, Voto
Classification: Chibchan language group
Area: Rama and Kriol territories (Autonomous Region), located on the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua, Central America.
Number of speakers: between 30 and 50 (Rama Language Project estimates)
Language status:
Official language of the Autonomous Region. The languages of these territories are protected by the Nicaraguan regime of autonomy:
Article 5 of the Carta Magna recognizes the regime of autonomy in Chaper VI (Article 89, 90, 91), which lays down the rights of the communities in the Autonomous Regions.
« Autonomy Statute, Article 5 (law 28, 1987): Spanish is the official language of the State. The languages of the Atlantic Coast communities are, de facto, official within the Autonomous Regions. »
The use of Rama in the Rama and Kriol self-governed territories is guaranteed by law N°162: « Law on the Official Use of the Atlantic Coast Community Languages » (Ley de Uso Oficial de las Lenguas de las Comunidades de la Costa Atlántica de Nicaragua, 1996).
Vitality & transmission:
Rama is seriously endangered, considered by the UNESCO as in “critical situation”. The native speakers of Rama are all very old. Nevertheless, a process of revitalization has been initiated at the instigation of C. Grinevald with support from the DDL laboratory (link) (Lyon 2 University), as part the DDR program.
Download the Rama revitalization project presentation (PDF)
There’s website devoted to the Rama people, the Rama language, and its revitalization (Rama Language Project):
Sources & additional links
Website devoted to Rama, with online courses, dictionaries, publications, blogs and maps: (English/Spanish)
Rama & Kriol Territorial Government website: (English/Spanish)
The Informe de Desarrollo Humano website (2005), hosting the most extensive information collected to this day on the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean coast: (Spanish)
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have more information on this language: