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The Sorosoro program
Of course, safeguarding the 6,000 to 7,000 languages that are spoken today all around the world is impossible : we already know that only a part of our linguistic heritage can be saved. Yet, we want to make our contribution and, in collaboration with the other actors of this sector, help to preserve as much as can be saved ; because inaction would imply resigning to the cultural impoverishment of humanity.
Where does the name “Sorosoro” come from ? Nowadays, the Araki language is only spoken by eight speakers in Vanuatu, a small state in the Pacific where we can find the biggest linguistic density in the world, about a hundred languages for 250 000 inhabitants. In Araki, Sorosoro means “breath, speech, language”, and we have chosen this very symbolic word as the name for our program of safegard of endangered languages. For the Araki language as for many others, time is running out. The process of extinction has accelerated considerably in recent decades and many languages with no more than a few speakers will disappear very quickly. |