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The field crews
The videos shown on Sorosoro were made by professionals, technicians and researchers. They have sometimes had to work in difficult conditions, both on the field and in Paris, so we thank them for their efforts!
Filming Benga and Mpongwe languages in January – February 2009
Image: Muriel Lutz
Sound: André-Pierre and Muriel Lutz
Linguist: Patrick Mouguiama-Daouda
Informants: Paul Kopedina and Judicaël Yoland Ovenga
Editing: Caroline Laurent
Translator of the Mpongwe language: Patrick Mouguiama-Daouda
Translator of the Benga language: Judicaël Yoland Ovenga
Production coordinator: Sabrina Pourchasse
Filming Kaqchikel and Tektiteko languages in February – March 2009
Image and sound: José Reynès
Driver-Assistant: Eduardo
Linguists: Juliana Sis Iboy and Juventino de Jesus Pérez Alonzo
Editing: Caroline Laurent
Translator of the Kaqchikel language: Juliana Sis Iboy
Translator of the Tektiteko language: José Pérez
Production coordinators: Sabrina Pourchasse and Marion Cassan
Filming Akele and Punu languages in May – June 2009
Image and sound: Luc-Henri Fage
Linguists: Jean-Marie Hombert, Patrick Mouguiama-Daouda
Ethnologist: Thierry Nzamba Nzamba
Editing: Caroline Laurent
Translator of the Akele language: Hugues Awanhet
Translator of the Punu language: Marie-Josée Awanhet
Production coordinator: Sabrina Pourchasse
Filming Menik and Baynunk languages in March 2010
Image and sound: Muriel Lutz
Assistant: Cheikh Tidiane Sall
Linguists: Adjaratou O. Sall and Sokhna Bao-Diop
Editing: Caroline Laurent
Production coordinator: Sabrina Pourchasse
Filming Xârâcùù, Xârâgurè and Hamea languages in October 2010
Image and sound: : José Reynès
Assistant: Karl Jorédié
Linguist: Claire Moyse-Faurie
Editing: Caroline Laurent
Production coordinator: Caroline Graff
Filming Basari and Laala languages in February 2011
Image and sound: : François Rigou
Assistant: Jérôme Gomis
Linguists: Loïc-Michel Perrin et El Hadji Dièye
Editing: Caroline Laurent
Production coordinator: Caroline Graff