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Language Planisphere
There are between 6000 and 7000 languages on earth today! The number is not precise since it depends on the way we count, on what we consider as a language, as a dialect…
These 6000 to 7000 languages are divided into families: approximately 120, which are themselves composed of many languages sometimes, or just a few ones, more or less spoken, more or less in danger.
We localized most of these languages according to data given by researchers. You can search for them them here on our maps either by family, by continent, or by country. And you will as well find informational sheets about them, that are to be complemented… Linguists with lots of enthusiasm and good research skills take note!
We also have a list of names of languages for which we lack elements, and that we can not therefore place on the map. You can download the list here (Excel file). If you have information about one or more of these languages, if you know where they are spoken , you can fill this table and return it to the following address : ; or you can contact us via the ” Contribute / Share information on an endangered language” tab
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