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September 13 – 15, 2010 : Annual Foundation for Endangered Languages conference
The annual international conference of the Foundation for Endangered Languages will be held from September 13 to 15 at the University of Wales (Trinity Saint David, Carmarthen).
This year’s edition will host a cycle of lectures on the possible ways of revitalizing endangered languages, whether in public or private spheres: standardization of essentially oral languages, actions depending on political decisions, role of education, incentives to improve transgenerational transmission, etc.
Where else than Wales indeed. The long work led by activists, entwined with the measures taken by the Welsh Assembly, is fruitful: schools have been providing education in Welsh for decades and bear excellent results, roadsigns and markings are all bilingual, aerial and satellite networks host an all-Welsh radio and TV channel…
This has all contributed to help Welsh invert the curve and gain new speakers, especially in town, and among the young generation. While 500 000 people were able to speak the language around twenty years ago, this number has now reached over 600 000… Quite a model, which will undoubtedly be commented during the conference!
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