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In Albanian, by Galliano Claudia : më i vogël
This language is spoken in Albania.
Delvina suggests “i rri”.
In Basque (Euskera), by Karmele aurtenetxe : Gaztea
This language is spoken in the Basque Country (Euskal Herria), France and Spain
Note: Michel offers an alternative translation: gazte, pronounced gastay
In Breton (Brezhoneg), by Rozenn : yaouank
This language is spoken in Bretagne, France
In Haitian Creole, by Tam : jèn
This language is spoken in Haiti
In Portuguese Creole, by Anthony: Joven
This language is spoken in Guinea Bissau, Casamance (Senegal) and Cape Verde
Note: also “Nobo”
In Dutch-Flemish, by Krinke : jong
This language is spoken in Belgium and the Netherlands
In Ehotile, by Cécile Ouégnin : méféni
This language is spoken in Vitré 2, Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
In English, by Rozenn : young
This language is spoken all over the World
In Esperanto, by Christophe : juna
This language is spoken all over the World
Note: pronounced “yuna”
In Fala, by Eusebio Martin : Jovin
This language is spoken in the North of Extremadura
Note: It used to be said “Xovin”
In Fijian, by Raijieli : gone
This language is spoken in the Fiji
Note: the ‘g’ is pronounced ‘ng’
In French, by Alberto : jeune
This language is spoken in France, among many other countries
In German, by Laurie : jung
This language is spoken in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
In Italian, by Silvia : giovane
This language is spoken in Italy
In Kaqchikel, by Gelber : ala’
This language is spoken in Comalapa, Chimaltenango department, Guatemala
In Kashubian, by Adóm Hébel : młodi
This language is spoken in the North of Poland
Note: also said “môłdi”
In Ecuatorian Kichwa, by catalina álvarez : wampra
This language is spoken in the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest
In Kiholo (Holu), by Mvwala Katshinga: Vwala
This language is spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in Angola.
In Kinyarwanda, by Mwembe : –
This language is spoken in Rwanda
Note: In the Bantu languages, there is no word meaning just “young”. A different word will be used, depending on the context, to indicate, say, a young man, young woman, young brother etc…
In Kiswahili, by Mwembe : –
This language is spoken in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Note: In the Bantu languages, there is no word meaning just “young”. A different word will be used, depending on the context, to indicate, say, a young man, young woman, young brother etc…
In Lingala, by Mwembe : Elenge
This language is spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Note: Pronounced aylayngay. Elenge-mwasi : young woman; elenge-mobali : young man
In Luganda, by Mwembe : –
This language is spoken in Uganda
Note: In the Bantu languages, there is no word meaning just “young”. A different word will be used, depending on the context, to indicate, say, a young man, young woman, young brother etc…
In Macedonian (македонски), by Marija : млад
This language is spoken in Macedonia (Македонија)
Note: slavic language
In Malagasy, by Ralalaoherivony Baholisoa : tanora
This language is spoken in Madagascar
Note: also used to describe anything soft or tender, even colours
In Mapudungun, by Alejandra VERGARA-BRUGERE : weche
This language is spoken in the South of Chile and in Argentine (Araucany)
In (Yucatec) Maya, by jhonnatan rangel : xi’ipal
This language is spoken in the Peninsula of Yucatan, Mexico
In Mpongwe, by MALEKOU : isséssa
This language is spoken in Gabon
In Ngakarimojong, by Nick Jewitt : edit (m.), adit (f.), idit (n.), edisak (, etc
This language is spoken in the North East of Uganda
Note: litterally meaning ‘small’
In Norman, by Clem 1066 from Normanring : janne
This language is spoken in Normandy and the Channel Islands
In Norwegian (Norsk), by Dominique Colonia : ung
This language is spoken in Norway
In eastern Penan, by Ian Mackenzie : —
This language is spoken in Sarawak, Borneo
Note: There is no word for young in eastern Penan. One must use words or expressions such as “child”, “small”, “small in life”, “unmarried” etc…
In Persian (Farsi), by Amis : Djavân (et ”djavoune” dans la langue parlée)
This language is spoken in Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan
In Picard (or “Northern Patois”), by Christelle Bertin : jonne
This language is spoken in the French regions of Pas de Calais and Nord (under the Armentières/Hazebrouck/Saint-omer line)
Note: “on” is a nasal vowel
In Polish, by Laurie : młody (masc.), młoda (fem.), młodo (neutre)
This language is spoken in Poland
Note: pronounced “mwoday”
In Pulaar (Fula), by Démé : suka
This language is spoken in Cameroon, Centrafrican Republic, Chad, Sudan, Nigeria, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Togo and Benin
Note: plural : sukaaɓe
In Quechua, by Gloria Caceres : warma
This language is spoken by the Quechua people of Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador
Note: masc. “wayna; fem. “sipas”. More general: warma
Alicia Matta Gonzales suggests the alternative: “huayna”
In Romanian, by Florica Razumiev : Tânăr, -ă, tineri, -e, adj., s.m. e f.
This language is spoken in Romania and the republic of Moldova
Note: pronounced : tɨnər / tɨnərə
In Russian, by Julia : молодой
This language is spoken in Russia
Note: pronounced “maladoee”
In Spanish (Castilian), by Rozenn : joven
This language is spoken in Spain, Latin America etc.
In Taqbaytlit, by ziri : Ameẓyan
This language is spoken in Kabylia
Note: z emphatic
In Thai, by Gilles Delouche : วัยรุ่น
This language is spoken in Thailand
Note: young man: หนุ่ม ชายหนุ่ม ; young woman: หญิงสาว.
In Turkish, by Laurie : genç
This language is spoken in Turkey
Note: pronounced “gentsh”
In Wallisian, by Mazelle : ‘Eva
This language is spoken in Wallis (and Futuna)
Note: the “e” is pronounced as in “let”
In Welsh, by Rozenn : ifanc
This language is spoken in the Wales
Note: pronounced “eevanc”
In Xârâcùù, by Annick : dopwa
This language is spoken in the Xârâcùù linguistic and customary area, New Caledonia
Note: “dopwa” refers to youth, ‘pa dopwa’ meaning ‘the young ones’. When talking about a plant, the word is “köru” which means ‘tender, young’.