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In Albanian, by Leli: Yll
This language is spoken in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Montenegro
In Arpitan, by Jian : étêla
This language is spoken in France, Savoy, Switzerland and Italy
In Auvergnat, by Michel : eitialà, estialà
This language is spoken in the French regions of Auvergne, Velay and Limousin (and before the intensive francization that occurred during the Renaissance, also in the Bourbonnais and the South of Berry).
In Bahasa Indonesia, by frinzi : bintang
This language is spoken in Indonesia
In Basque, by Michel : izar
This language is spoken in Spain and France
Note: pronounced “ee-sar”
In Batanga, by medy : nanga
This language is spoken in Cameroon
In Breton, by Rozenn : Steredenn
This language is spoken in Bretagne (France)
In Catalan, by Rosa-Maria Llavoré : estel
This language is spoken in the Catalan Countries (”Països Catalans”), which designates all the catalan speaking territories. (concept dated from the XIXe c.)
Note: other forms include: estrella, estrela (reg.), estela (reg.)
In mandarin Chinese, by Sabrina : 星星
This language is spoken in China
Note: xing xing in pinyin
In Chtimi, by GOULET : zetoile
This language is spoken in the 59th French department: NORD
In Chukchi, by Charles Weinstein : en’er
This language is spoken in Chukotka (Russia)
Note: also an’atlyn’yn.
In Corsican, by David : stella
This language is spoken in Corsica
Note: also “stedda”
In Croatian, by LAMELEY : zvijezda
In Dhivehi, by Hervé : thari
This language is spoken in the Maldives Islands
In English, by David : star
This language is spoken all around the World
In Ese ejja, by marine vuillermet : mahameta
This language is spoken in Bolivia and Peru
Note: There are several alphabets (1 in Peru and +/- 3 in Bolivia)
In Esperanto, by Christophe : stelo
This language is spoken in partout dans le monde
In Fala, by Eusebio Martín: Estrela
This language is spoken in the North of Extremadura, Spain.
In Fang, by Mevyann : Otiti
This language is spoken in Gabon, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, and Congo Brazzaville
In Fijian, by Raijieli : Kalokalo
This language is spoken in the Fiji
In French, by Alberto : étoile
This language is spoken in France, among many other countries
In Galician, by carlos cortón : estrela
This language is spoken in Galicia, Spain
In German, by Laurie : Stern
This language is spoken in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
In Greek, by LJ : αστέρι
This language is spoken in Ellas – Grèce
Note: pronounced asteree
In Haitian (creole), by Patrice Schoelchéry : Zetwal
This language is spoken in Haiti and the Haitian diaspora.
In Hawaiian, by Kanoe : Hoku
In Henua E’nata, by Nahinaeiva : Hetu
This language is spoken in the South of Marquesas Island
In Italian, by Fernando : stella
This language is spoken in Italy
In Kashmiri, by Hilal Ahmed Sheikh: Taaruk
This language is spoken in Kashmir, in the north of India
In Kashubian, by Adóm Hébel : gwiôzda
This language is spoken in the North of Poland.
In Kiholo (Holu), by Mvwala Katshinga: Thetekedia
This language is spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in Angola.
In Kinyarwanda, by Mwembe : inyenyeri
This language is spoken in Rwanda
In Kiswahili, by Mwembe : nyota
This language is spoken in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, and Rwanda
In Koviouvaga, by Naniouktchka : zviozda
This language is spoken in Eastern Europe and Russia
Note: also called “luusnatcha”, which means “the moon’s laugh”
In Lingala, by Mwembe : Monzoto (pl. minzoto)
This language is spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo
In Luganda, by Mwembe : emunyeenye
This language is spoken in Uganda
In Macedonian (македонски), by Marija : Ѕвезда
This language is spoken in Macedonia (Македонија)
Note: slavic language
In Malagasy, by Ralalaoherivony Baholisoa : kintana
This language is spoken in Madagascar
Also: johary
In Mapudungun, by Alejandra VERGARA-BRUGERE : wanhuelen
This language is spoken in the South of Chile and in Argentine (Araucany)
In (Yucatec) Maya , by jhonnatan Rangel : eek’
This language is spoken in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
In (classical) Nahuatl, by Romane : citlalin
This language is mainly spoken in Mexico
Note : plural : cicitlaltin
In Nengone, by Christoph : Wajekol
This language is spoken in Maré, New Caledonia
In Ngakarimojong, by Nick Jewitt : etop, ngitopon
This language is spoken in the Northeast of Uganda
In Norwegian (Norsk), by Dominique Colonia : stjerne
This language is spoken in Norway
In eastern Penan, by Ian Mackenzie : kenyuhai
This language is spoken in Sarawak, Borneo
Note: “ny” is a palatal nasal consonant.
Another word, Kenyalung, denotes a bright “star”, e.g. Venus or Jupiter
In Persian (Farsi), by Sima : Sérâreh
This language is spoken in Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan.
In Picard, by Géo : étoéle
This language is spoken in France and Belgium.
Variant : étouéle.
In Polish, by Yoram : gwiazda
This language is spoken in Poland
In Portuguese, by Antonio Carlos de Carvalho, Lameley and Fernando : estrela
This language is spoken in Brazil, Portugal, Timor, Mozambique, Angola, and Guinea Bissau
In Pulaar (Fula, Peul), by Seydou and Dem : hoodere (pl. koode)
This language is spoken in Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Burkina, Niger, Cameroon, Chad, and Sudan
In Provençal, by Tabacchi jean charles : Estello
This language is spoken in Provence, France
In Punu, by mbadinga : Mbuelili
This language is spoken in the South of Gabon
Note: Plural: bambuelili
In Quechua, by Gloria Caceres : kuyllur, quyllur
This language is spoken by the Quechua people of Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador
In Rama, by Maricela kauffmann : Piup
This language is spoken in Nicaragua
Note: Chichane
In Romanian, by Florica Razumiev : stea
This language is spoken in Romania and the Republic of Moldavia
Note: s.f. / pl. stele (steá (-éle)) / g.-d. art. stélei
In Russian, by Sabrina : Звезда
This language is spoken in Russia
Note: pronounced zvesda
In Songhay, by Yoram : handiri izo
This language is spoken in Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, and Benin
Note: Litterally : “child of the moon”
In Spanish (Castillan), by Sabrina : Estrella
This language is spoken in Spain and South America
In Tamahaq (Tamasheq, Tuareg), by Ibrahim : atri
This language is spoken in Algeria, Mali, Niger, Libya, and Burkina Faso
Note: fem: tatrit; titraten; itran
In Thai, by Gilles Delouche : ดาว ดวงดาว ดารา
This language is spoken in Thailand
In Tibetan, by Tashi Dorjee: སྐར་མ། karma
There are three different dialects, but the spelling is the same
In Tupy, by Fernando : iacítatá
Note: indigenous language from Brazil
In Tshiluba (or Luba-Kasai, Western Luba, Bena-Lulua, Ciluba, Luba-Lulua or Luva),by Doris : mutoto
This language is spoken in Kasai, a province of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Precision: the plural is mitoto.
In Turkish, by Laurie : Yıldız
This language is spoken in Turkey
In Welsh, by Rozenn : Seren
This language is spoken in the Wales
In Wolof, by Fatou : bideew
This language is spoken in Senegal
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