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May 16: ELP (Endangered Language Program) grants requests deadline, USA
The Endangered Language Program was launched in 2008 by the Sacred Earth Network. Each year, the ELP proposes grants for various projects around the preservation and restoration of endangered languages and cultures of Siberia and North/Central America.
Priority will be given to good-quality projects with low overhead, whether they be established projects or new initiatives, submitted by NGOs or individuals. The projects will be chosen primarily according to the degree of fragility of the language, the level of urgency to protect this language, and the likely effectiveness of the proposed project.
Applicants are to send a 1-3 page description of their program in either English or Russian including information about the language in question, a description of the activities implied by the project and how the initiative will help preserve the language, detailed contact information of the applicants. Applications should also include a detailed budget.
Approximately 10 projects will be examined for grants ranging from $500 to a maximum of $3000. Results will be issued within 6 to 8 weeks.
For more information, or to file an application, please contact ELP coordinator:
Mariyam Medovaya
EarthAction Network
Amherst, MA