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December 10, 2010: The latest news on
We’re off to Greenland this week! Ethnologist Jean Michel Huctin shines the light on the Greenlandic education system, which while offering a large space to Kalaalisut, also imposes the learning of other languages. An approach raising its own concerns…
Following our Senegalese cycle in Baynunk, we now return to Guatemala with a video in Tektiteko language, featuring a villager who tells us about the culture of corn. A fundamental element in the life of Mayan peoples.
December 7, 2010: the Welsh Parliament in Cardiff strikes a historical vote in favor of the promotion of Welsh, henceforth becoming an official language of Wales.
December 7, 2010: Alternative Nobel prize the Right Livelihood Award has been awarded this year to bishop Erwin Kräutler for his action in favor of the rights of the Indian community in Brazil, particularly the Guarani, who have been dispossessed of their lands and suffer an alarming suicide rate.
December 10, 2010: Readers of French grab Friday’s paper! Le Monde has just published an article on « language explorers »: a whole page devoted to the work of researchers and mentionning data of the Sorosoro program, among others.
December 15, 2010: The overseas departments and territories of France find a place of honor at the BnF national library in Paris, organizing a cycle of round tables, one of which, « Creole, French and multilingualism », will tackle linguistic issues seen from the perspective of overseas France.
And as always…
Bring along your translations for the current word of the fortnight: Water
And of course more Soroquiz questions up on our homepage as we speak…
A beautiful week to all of you,
The Sorosoro crew
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