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Days of the Week in Baynunk
Here is a presentation of weekdays in the Baynunk language, spoken in Casamance, Senegal.
By comparing these few basic words with their equivalents in two other african languages documented on our website, Mpongwe and Benga, we can see how different they are. These three languages belong, indeed, to the big Niger-Congo family, but Baynunk is a North-Atlantic language (Tenda-nyun group) whereas Mpongwe and Benga are Bantu languages (from Gabon).
They have therefore few words in common at first sight, with, however, one exception : the words for Saturday in Baynunk (sibito) and in Mpongwe (satade) suggest that there may have been borrowing in one way or the other…
To know more on the Baynunk language
Image & sound: Muriel Lutz, assisted by Cheikh Tidiane Sall
Linguist: Sokhna Bao-Diop
Editing: Caroline Laurent
Video created within the ANR Sénélangues project