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September 3, 2010: What’s new on
Here’s some advice to start this new term with courage, with the Akele mothers initiating their daughters through the Njembe ceremony. These songs and rhythms stand as an actual instruction aiming to help young women solve common daily issues, or at least face them with philosophy…
Readers of French? Anyone? Telerama publishes a very interesting article this week on the launching of a radio in Latin American Indian languages, in Venezuala. Quite a promising initiative which we hope will inspire others here and there!
The annual international conference of the Foundation for Endangered Languages will be held in Wales from September 13 to 15, 2010. Another opportunity to reflect on possible ways to revitalize threatened languages, in a country that bears significant experience of this kind of issue. Sorosoro cannot but appreciate the growing vitality of Welsh!
Language and language family indexes
In French
Mbacké Diagne, member of the Sénélangues project (in collaboration with Sorosoro), brings us an updated version of the Bayot index. Bayot is a Niger-Congo language.
In English
Following up on our exploration of the Macro-Pama-Nyungan languages with a whole batch of 15 new indexes elaborated thanks to data collected by Austlang:
New also on the Spanish version of
The Uto-Aztecan language family, which includes the Cora language.
And as always…
The word of the fortnight, ‘Head’, waiting for your translation here…
… and of course an updated Soroquiz, available on our homepage.
A beautiful week to all of you,
The Sorosoro crew