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May 21, 2010: this week on our site!
Heaps of news after last week’s national holiday break…
Sorosoro was in Senegal in March and April 2010 to film two Niger-Congo languages: Baynunk (in Casamance), and Menik (in eastern Senegal).
The filming sessions have been a little rough with the rebels around Casamance, but the images brought back by our chief operator, Muriel, and the rest of the crew are very promising. Since their return from Senegal, our editors, translators and researchers have been working round the clock so you can eventually disover the outcomes of this fruitful collaboration.
So we’re starting this new series of videos with a presentation of the Baynunk language by Sokhna Bao-Diop, a young linguist who was there with the rest of the team.
Because France is also an amazing area of cultural and linguistic diversity, Rozenn Milin brings forward the example of a teaching method in mother tongue (Breton) including the progressive introduction of other languages. The results of this method, implemented by the « Diwan » high school of Carhaix may very well convince even the toughest skeptics, as the high school ends up… 2nd, on a national listing of over 3000.
Three dates and events to add to your schedules:
– The World day for cultural diversity for dialogue and development (May21) within the International Festival for Cultural Diversity (May 17-26), under the auspices of the UNESCO.
– Documentary screening on the Eotile from Ivory Coast at the CNRS, Ivry-sur-Seine, this Thursday May 27, 5.30pm.
– France Culture welcomes linguist Stéphane Robert who tells us about her backgroud, her research on African languages (especially those of Senegal), and her ongoing projects. Sunday May 30, 12pm.
And as always, our word of the fortnight for you to translate – Moon – as well as new questions on the Soroquiz.
Have a beautiful weekend.