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Juu-ǂHoan languages
Where are Juu-ǂHoan languages spoken?
These languages are spoken in Botswana, Namibia and Angola.
Total number of speakers (estimates)
Approximately 45 000 according to SIL’s website Nearly all of these speakers speak juu.
Classification :
The Juu-ǂHoan group has two active languages.
ǂHõã (dialect cluster, alternative name: ǂQhôã) : 140 locuteurs selon UNESCO
Juu (dialect cluster) : 45 000 locuteurs selon SIL
Comments on the classification :
We have based our classification on the information provided by Wikipedia.
These languages have been classified as being one of the three branches of the hypothetical Khoisan group. However, at the present time, the very existence of the Khoisan group is controversial, therefore, for now, it is preferable to regard Juu-ǂHoan languages as forming an independent group.
Most linguists consider that ǂhõã and Juu are two dialectical groups, the former being made up of two dialects and the latter four dialects. SIL’s classification considers that there are 6 independent languages.
Are Juu-ǂHoan languages endangered?
Yes, ǂHõã is nearly extinct and Juu is threatened, according to the UNESCO.
Ethnographic elements
This section will be developed subsequently.
Linguistic details
This section will be developed subsequently.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have more information on this language: