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Central Solomon languages
Central Solomon languages
Where are Central Solomon languages spoken ?
These languages are spoken in the Salomon islands.
Total number of speakers (estimates)
Roughly 14 000 according to the SIL web site
Classification :
This group includes 4 languages :
Bilua 8740 speakers according to SIL
Lavukaleve 1780 speakers according to SIL
Savosavo 2420 speakers according to SIL
Touo 1870 speakers according to SIL
Comments on the classification :
We have adopted the classification suggested by the web site.
Are the Central Solomon languages endangered ?
We do not have reliable sources regarding the precise vitality of these languages.
Ross, Malcolm (2005). “Pronouns as a preliminary diagnostic for grouping Papuan languages.” In: Andrew Pawley, Robert Attenborough, Robin Hide and Jack Golson, eds, Papuan pasts: cultural, linguistic and biological histories of Papuan-speaking peoples. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
Dedicated page on SIL’s
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have more information on this language: