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Index compiled with data collected by AUSTLANG
Data on the language
Alternatives names: Anmatyerr, Anmatyirra, Anmatjera, Anmatjirra
For additional names and alternative spellings, see the AUSTLANG website.
Classification: Pama Nyungan language family, Arandic group, Aranda subgroup
Anmatyerre is an aboriginal language spoken in the Australian Northern Territory (NT): at Forster Range, Mount Leichhardt, Conistan, Stuart Bluff Range East of West Bluff; at Hann and Reynolds Ranges; on Burt Plain north of Rembrandt Rocks and Connor Well; East to Woodgreen; Northeast to central Mount Stuart and Harper Springs (Tindale 1974).
Number of speakers :
The Australian Bureau of Statistics 2006 Census estimated around 1002 speakers of Anmatyerre.
Language vitality & transmission :
Anmatyerre is classified as a « strong / safe language » (endangerment grade: 5) by the National Indigenous Languages Survey (NILS).
Sources & bibliography
Green, Jeny. 2003. Central Anmatyerr picture dictionary. Alice Springs: IAD Press. Purle, Cookie 1984 Anmatyerre word list.
Institute for Aboriginal Development Incorporated. 2002. Central Australian Aboriginal languages – current distribution (map). Alice Springs: IAD Press.
Tindale, Norman. 1974. Tribal Boundaries in Aboriginal Australia. Canberra: Division of National Mapping, Department of National Development.
Austlang webpage on Anmatyerre:
Ethnologue webpage on Anmatyerre:
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have more information on this language: