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Body parts in Baynunk
In the following video, Awa Coly grants us a full-on detailed description of the parts of the body!
Baynunk, as you may remember, is a North Atlantic language (Tenda-Nyun group) of the Niger-Congo family. It is spoken in southern Senegal, as well as in neighboring Gambia and Guinea-Bissau.
A 2006 census by counted around 6,200 speakers of Baynunk, therefore standing as an « endangered language » according to UNESCO standards.
Baynunk is one of the 17 languages supported by a program of codification and recognition of minority languages, launched in Senegal in the 1970s. It has an official spelling system since 2005.
Watch all our videos in Baynunk
Linguist: Sokhna Bao-Diop
Image & sound: Muriel Lutz, assisted by Cheikh Tidiane Sall
Editing: Caroline Laurent
Video created within the ANR Sénélangues project